Do have problems with rent payments? Please read what you can do in different situations.

What should I do if I cannot pay my rent on time?

Contact the rent supervision department of NAL Asunnot to make them aware of your situation by emailing or calling 09 7745 3616 (Monday–Thursday at 12:00–14:30).

If your rent payment is delayed, you will receive a payment reminder at the midpoint of the month. You will have to pay a fee of €5 for the payment reminder.

Please note that neglecting to pay your rent may lead to the termination of your lease and a record of default in your credit history. A recorded default may cause issues in the future with getting an apartment or a job.

I have received a payment reminder, what to do?

Each month, the lessor sends payment reminders to customers who have not paid their rent. If you receive a reminder and have questions, please contact the rent supervision department of NAL Asunnot by emailing or calling 09 7745 3616 (Monday–Thursday at 12:00–14:30).

If you pay your rent and the reminder fee by the due date your tenancy will continue as usual. If you do not pay your rent, you will be sent a second payment reminder. Rent payments that have been neglected after the second payment reminder, i.e. rent arrears, will be sent to a debt collection agency.

Please note that neglecting to pay your rent may lead to the termination of your lease and a record of default in your credit history. A recorded default may cause issues in the future with getting an apartment or a job.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have trouble paying your rent! It is always better to discuss the issue with us rather than neglect it until your rent arrears are sent to a debt collection agency.

If you have money trouble or need housing support, do not hesitate to contact your residential instructor who can help you with all financial and residential questions and help you apply for residential allowance if necessary. You are not alone!

What does it mean to have rent arrears sent to a debt collection agency?

When you have accumulated rent arrears and the invoice has been sent to a debt collection agency, the debt (= rent arrears) can only be handled through the debt collection agency. This will lead to significant additional expenses to the tenant (approx. €300+interest per unpaid debt). If you are able to pay your rent arrears in full within the specified time limit, the continuation of your lease can be discussed on a case by case basis.